Thursday, December 4, 2008

The Tales of Beedle the Bard now available!

All around the world, The Tales of Beedle the Bard is finally being released! The five unique fairy tales that J.K. Rowling wrote initially as a gift to six people who mean a lot to her and the development of the Harry Potter series and were at first only to be read by those select few, are now available at bookstores globally, as well as at online shops such as - the purchaser of the 7th original book that was auctioned for charity. J.K. Rolwing thought that all fans which were disappointed at the fact that they would not read the books had a " 'fair point", so I thought 'I'll publish it and then the charity can have that money too'."

The money from the book, which she beautifully illustrated herself, will go to J.K. Rowling's charity, The Children's High Level Group - a very worthwile cause.

So if you still haven't got yours yet, hurry to your nearest bookstore; or use your credit card, and shop online!

Monday, November 24, 2008

New Header Image !

I have had requests to reduce the header in size as it was taking too long to load. I made a smaller one; and I also created a new design based on the original.

Hope you like it!

New Beedle the Bard Editions

Three new images of different editions of The Tales of Beedle the Bard have surfaced online:

Bulgarian Edition
Bulagrian Edition - Scan
Spanish Edition

Also, don't forget that the book comes out in 9 days, on December the 4th, and will benefit The Children's High Level Group, a very important cause. Click here to read stories of children whose lives improved to a point which they believed impossible, because of this movement.

Friday, November 14, 2008

New Half-Blood Prince Trailer!

An incredible, wonderful, magical new official trailer for Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince has been released from Warner Brothers!

Watch it here:

Windows HD:
Large | Extra Large
Windows Standard:
Small | Medium | Large
QuickTime HD:
Small | Medium | Large
QuickTime Standard: Very Small | Small | Medium | Large
Small | Large
iPod: Click here

J. K. Rowling's Extract for Prince Charles' Birthday Book

J.K. Rowling chose her favourite part of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, which she says that it may possibly be her favourite part of the entire series, and wrote about it in Prince Charles' Birthday Book for his 60th birthday.

Here's a little of what she wrote:

"The destinies of wizards and princes might seem more certain than those carved out for the rest of us, yet we all have to choose the manner in which we meet life: whether to live up (or down) to the expectations placed upon us; whether to act selfishly, or for the common good; whether to steer the course of our lives ourselves, or to allow ourselves to be buffeted around by chance and circumstance. Birthdays are often moments for reflection, moments when we pause, look around, and take stock of where we are; children gleefully contemplate how far they have come, whereas adults look forwards into the trees, wondering how much further they have to go. This extract from Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows is my favourite part of the seventh book; it might even be my favourite part of the entire series, and in it, Harry demonstrates his truly heroic nature, because he overcomes his own terror to protect the people he loves from death, and the whole of his society from tyranny."

View the Guardian's report here. The book can be purchased and the royalties will go to Prince Charles' Foundation for Children and the Arts.

Sunday, October 26, 2008

New Half-Blood Prince Trailer!

A new Half-Blood Prince International Teaser Trailer has surfaced online this morning! It features some exciting new scenes and dialogue that was not present in the last two trailers.

See it

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

New Cover for Sorcerer's Stone Paperback !

The front cover of Scholastic's Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone - Special Anniversary Edition paperback has surfaced online! The illustration by Mary GranPre depicts Harry, Mr. Ollivander and Hagrid in Ollivander's Wand Shop.

Click here for a bigger version!

Sunday, September 28, 2008

New HBP Calendar Images!

Andrews McMeel Publishing, the US publisher of the 2009 Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince calendar, has released several new images from this year's edition:

Cover 1
Cover 2
Cover 3
Dumbledore & Slytherin's Locket (?)

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Dan's new Details Magazine Interview

Daniel Radcliffe is once again appearing in Details Magazine, with a brand new interview and photo-shoot, to promote Equus.

Click here to go to the website!

Monday, September 1, 2008

New Wallpaper Added

A new wallpaper has been added in the wallpaper section.

Click here to go to the wallpapers page.


Sunday, August 24, 2008

Happy Birthday, Rupert Grint !

Rupert turns 20 today - Happy Birthday, Rupert!

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Dan Radcliffe featured in American Vogue

Daniel Radcliffe is featured in the latest edition of the American Vogue Magazine. In it, he talks about his role of Alan Strang in Peter Shaffer's very serious play "Equus", the play which met great success last year in London, and which is soon to be played on Broadway.

He says: “I think that everyone has got more in common with Alan than they would like to admit. I’ve never put out a bunch of horse’s eyes of course - but you turn to your own emotions-the sadness, the anger, the loneliness-and just explode them.”

You can see scans of the magazine here:
Side 1
Side 2
Dan nude riding a horse

New Patronus-Messenger Toolbar Now Available !

It's here! The site's exclusive new toolbar that accompanies you wherever you are on the web.

Now you can carry your Patronus-Messenger everywhere with you on the web, and enjoy features like:
- An RSS News Feed to deliver you Harry Potter news in an instant;
- A Patronus-Messenger Google Search tool;
- Access to the site's chat, which is only available to owners of the toolbar;
- Protection from pop-ups;
- And a link to Patronus-Messenger, so that you can apparate back here whenever you feel like it.

So what are you waiting for? Get it today!

Friday, August 15, 2008

Happy Birthday Evanna Lynch!

Our favourite actress Evanna Lynch who portrays Luna Lovegood in the HP films turns 17 today.

Have a wondeful day, Evanna!

Thursday, August 14, 2008

New HBP Pictures from EW !

Sad about the HBP delay?

To curb our sadness,
Entertainment Weekly has new images from Half-Blood Prince, which is now scheduled to be released next July. There are also page scans from EW's Half-Blood Prince set report.

Click on the links below to see them.

Opening Page - 1
Opening Page - 2
Harry & Slughorn
Slug Club
Dumbledore & Slughorn
Snape, Narcissa & Bellatrix - The Unbreakable Vow
'Silver & Opals'

Update: Two high-res pictures have been released from Warner Brothers.
One depicts Snape, Narcissa & Bellatrix and the Unbreakable Vow; the other shows the very young Tom Riddle in his room at the Orphanage.

Half-Blood Prince Delayed Until July 17th, 2009

You may have checked the date already after reading the headline, but no, it is not April the 1st.

Warner Brothers has just announced that
Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince will not be released until next summer, on July 17th.

Mr. Alan Horn, President of WB, stated:

"Our reasons for shifting ‘Half-Blood Prince’ to summer are twofold: we know the summer season is an ideal window for a family tent pole release, as proven by the success of our last Harry Potter film, which is the second-highest grossing film in the franchise, behind only the first installment. Additionally, like every other studio, we are still feeling the repercussions of the writers’ strike, which impacted the readiness of scripts for other films—changing the competitive landscape for 2009 and offering new windows of opportunity that we wanted to take advantage of. We agreed the best strategy was to move ‘Half-Blood Prince’ to July, where it perfectly fills the gap for a major tent pole release for mid-summer."

He also said:

"Warner currently is riding high with "The Dark Knight," the Batman film that also stars Bale. The grim super-hero movie has taken in $452 million in the U.S. since its July 18 release, making it the second-highest grossing film ever.

To some degree, that success motivated Warner to shift "Half-Blood Prince," Horn said. The film will now hit theaters the same midsummer weekend that "Dark Knight" was released this year. Horn said the young, core Potter audience would be out of school and give the film a longer theatrical life. It will now open opposite Universal's special-effects comedy "Land of the Lost," which stars Will Ferrell. But Horn said there was nothing next year compared to this summer's especially dense slate of big-budget releases.

Mr. Horn finally said: "We would never do anything to hurt one of the movies or the series. We love our fans."

Thursday, July 31, 2008

J.K. Rowling's Charity to Publish 'The Tales of Beedle the Bard' !

It's her and Harry's birthday, but J.K. Rowling is giving us and charity a very special gift.

This morning, Scholastic announced that Jo's children's charity, the Children’s High Level Group (CHLG), will be publishing
The Tales of Beedle the Bard !

Jo said: "There was understandable disappointment among Harry Potter fans when only one copy of
The Tales of Beedle the Bard was offered to the public last December. I am therefore delighted to announce that, thanks to the generous support of Bloomsbury, Scholastic and Amazon (who bought the handwritten copy at auction) – and with the blessing of the wonderful people who own the other six original books - The Tales of Beedle the Bard will now be widely available to all Harry Potter fans. Royalties will be donated to the Children’s High Level Group, to benefit institutionalised children in desperate need of a voice. The new edition will include the Tales themselves, translated from the original runes by Hermione Granger, and with illustrations by me, but also notes by Professor Albus Dumbledore, which appear by generous permission of the Hogwarts Headmasters’ Archive."

Scholastic predicts the books will generate around $8 million in sales; money which will of course be going to CHLG and unprotected and powerless children and teenagers around the world which live in unacceptable conditions and institutions all over Europe.

Happy Birthday, J.K. Rowling and Harry !

J.K. Rowling and Harry Potter both celebrate their birthdays today, and we all wish they're as magical as possible!

Have a
great time, guys!

Also, Richard Griffiths (Uncle Vernon in the Harry Potter films) celebrates his birthday today as well. Happy Birthday!

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Rupert Grint speaks about HBP Teaser Trailer

Rupert Grint spoke with MTV about the upcoming film Cherrybomb in which he stars, and also talked about the Half-Blood Prince teaser trailer, addressing those who would have liked more scenes:

“It’s only a teaser, just to get people excited."

In addition, he says that even though he hasn't seen the teaser trailer yet, he is happy that "there is a shot of him in the trailer, as it was from one of his favourite scenes from the film."

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

The Half-Blood Prince Teaser Trailer has been released!

Yes, it's here! The Half-Blood Prince teaser trailer is now online, and it can be seen both here on this site as well as on AOL Moviefone in three wonderful formats.

More - and longer - trailers should also appear soon; keep checking back !

Monday, July 21, 2008

21 / 7 / 200...7: A Year Ago Today...

On the Saturday 21st of the 7th month of 2007, the 7th Harry Potter book was released to fans worldwide. After 10 years the novel series came to an end: bringing with it surprises, tears, satisfaction and a peculiar happiness, a fulfillment. For though we were sad the end was near, we nevertheless pored hungrily over the pages of Deathly Hallows to live Harry's last adventure. Some of us rushed through, while others delayed their appointment with the last page to read and enjoy the book fully.

But even though the final word - 'well', not 'scar' ;) - has been written, Harry Potter still lives inside the devoted reader. There are still three whole films to come, the encyclopedia, a theme-park and who-knows-what else on the way. For even though some of us have moved on to other series, other stories, other parts of our lives, while the rest are as Potter-immersed as we ever were, all of us know that there's still a ton of things to come; and that Harry Potter is still a part of our lives.

Edinburgh's "The Balmoral" Hotel offers 'J.K. Rowling Suite'

"The Balmoral" Hotel in Edinburgh offers the room in which Jo finished writing Deathly Hallows, renamed, with the author's permission, 'J.K. Rowling Suite'. The cost is £965 per night, as The Telegraph reports.

The suite is number 552, and representatives of the hotel say that since the suite was aired on ITV1’s JK Rowling: A Year in the Life documentary last December, “wealthy fans from across the world have stayed there, specifically requesting the suite.” A hotel source told the Telegraph that the 180-square-foot room is exactly the same as when JKR wrote there, including the writing desk she used “as well as the queen-size bed in which she slept. ” (Though she used the room as an office, and returned home at night.)

The hotel also has on display the marble bust of Hermes on which J.K. Rowling wrote “JK Rowling finished writing Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows in this room (552) on 11th Jan 2007.” You can see a picture here. The bust was originally removed from the room, but has now been replaced and sits in a glass case.

The room also now has a brass plaque on the front door and a brass owl instead of a door knocker.

Saturday, July 19, 2008

'Wizarding World of Harry Potter' Signs Appear

New pictures from the Harry Potter theme park at the Universal Studios, scheduled to open in December 2009, have surfaced on IOACentral. They depict signs which feature “two owls around Hogwarts castle, and a symbol representing Hogsmeade.”Additional photos show that the Enchanted Oak, rumoured to be turned into something Potter-related, is already being torn down.

More updates to come later!

Friday, July 18, 2008

HBP IMAX 3D Teaser Trailer released !

The very brief Half-Blood Prince teaser trailer has now been released; it features a plain black background, Dumbledore's voice along with the HBP and IMAX 3D titles.

Cedric's death in GoF a 'classic', says EW

Entertainment Weekly has selected the top 25 ''new classic'' death scenes, and Cedric Diggory's murder by Peter Pettigrew in the graveyard in the fourth film is in at number three of the list.

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Jason Isaacs talks about 'Deathly Hallows' role

Jason Isaacs, the actor who portrays Lucius Malfoy in the Harry Potter films spoke about his possible role in the seventh movie:

"I am not in number six unfortunately, but I hope to be in number seven which starts next year and I haven't seen the scripts. If I am not in it I will be picketing the set to be sure."

However, as Lucius plays a considerably more significant role in Deathly Hallows compared to Half-Blood Prince, he'll probably be coming back for the seventh film.