Monday, July 21, 2008

21 / 7 / 200...7: A Year Ago Today...

On the Saturday 21st of the 7th month of 2007, the 7th Harry Potter book was released to fans worldwide. After 10 years the novel series came to an end: bringing with it surprises, tears, satisfaction and a peculiar happiness, a fulfillment. For though we were sad the end was near, we nevertheless pored hungrily over the pages of Deathly Hallows to live Harry's last adventure. Some of us rushed through, while others delayed their appointment with the last page to read and enjoy the book fully.

But even though the final word - 'well', not 'scar' ;) - has been written, Harry Potter still lives inside the devoted reader. There are still three whole films to come, the encyclopedia, a theme-park and who-knows-what else on the way. For even though some of us have moved on to other series, other stories, other parts of our lives, while the rest are as Potter-immersed as we ever were, all of us know that there's still a ton of things to come; and that Harry Potter is still a part of our lives.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Very touching!! :D