Monday, July 21, 2008

Edinburgh's "The Balmoral" Hotel offers 'J.K. Rowling Suite'

"The Balmoral" Hotel in Edinburgh offers the room in which Jo finished writing Deathly Hallows, renamed, with the author's permission, 'J.K. Rowling Suite'. The cost is £965 per night, as The Telegraph reports.

The suite is number 552, and representatives of the hotel say that since the suite was aired on ITV1’s JK Rowling: A Year in the Life documentary last December, “wealthy fans from across the world have stayed there, specifically requesting the suite.” A hotel source told the Telegraph that the 180-square-foot room is exactly the same as when JKR wrote there, including the writing desk she used “as well as the queen-size bed in which she slept. ” (Though she used the room as an office, and returned home at night.)

The hotel also has on display the marble bust of Hermes on which J.K. Rowling wrote “JK Rowling finished writing Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows in this room (552) on 11th Jan 2007.” You can see a picture here. The bust was originally removed from the room, but has now been replaced and sits in a glass case.

The room also now has a brass plaque on the front door and a brass owl instead of a door knocker.

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